Vous avez une erreur de ce type ?
The cPanel & WHM update process failed for the following reason:
Maintenance ended; however, it did not exit cleanly (256). The following events were logged: “scripts/check_unreliable_resolvers”. Review the update logs to determine why the update failed.
Logs :
Update log preview:
[2020-01-29 21:29:38 +0100] E [/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_unreliable_resolvers] The “/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_unreliable_resolvers --notify” command (process 3555928) reported error number 1 when it ended.
[2020-01-29 21:29:42 +0100] - Finished command `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_mysql` in 0.094 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:42 +0100] Processing: Checking CloudLinux installation
[2020-01-29 21:29:42 +0100] - Processing command `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/cloudlinux_update`
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Finished command `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/cloudlinux_update` in 0.106 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Processing: Updating plugins data cache
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Processing command `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/refresh_plugin_cache`
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Finished command `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/refresh_plugin_cache` in 0.019 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Processing: Ensuring SSL certificate information for CCS is up to date.
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Processing command `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --run --ssl`
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Finished command `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --run --ssl` in 0.006 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Processing: Ensure cpanel-plugins yum repo exists
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Finished in 0.620 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Processing: Checking Addon Licenses
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Finished in 0.005 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Processing: Checking End Of Life for current version.
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] - Finished in 0.123 seconds
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Processing:
[2020-01-29 21:29:43 +0100] Maintenance complete.
=> Log closed Wed Jan 29 21:29:43 2020
Le problème venait du resolver suivant:
[22:03:30 mutu01 root@93443871 ~]cPs# /scripts/check_unreliable_resolvers
⚠ Partial DNS resolver failure
Nous avons résolu le problème remplaçant le dns resolver interne( par un dns public appartenant à Cloudflare ( Vous avez d'autres choix également comme Google (