Failed - The service “cpanel-ccs” appears to be down - “cpanel_ccs” service is down Imprimer

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Votre Cpanel et votre monitoring vous indique que le service cpanel_ccs est down et que le redémarrgae automatique n'est pas fonctionnel ?


Du type : 

[root@server ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_cpanel_ccs
Waiting for “cpanel_ccs” to start ……info [restartsrv_cpanel_ccs] systemd failed to start the service “cpanel-ccs” (The “/usr/bin/systemctl restart cpanel-ccs.service --no-ask-password” command (process 95251) reported error number 1 when it ended.): Job for cpanel-ccs.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status cpanel-ccs.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Reference found where even-sized list expected at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ServiceManager/ line 972.
…info [restartsrv_cpanel_ccs] systemd failed to start the service “cpanel-ccs” (The “/usr/bin/systemctl restart cpanel-ccs.service --no-ask-password” command (process 95382) reported error number 1 when it ended.): Job for cpanel-ccs.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status cpanel-ccs.service" and "journalctl -xe"for details.


Service Status
undefined status from Cpanel::ServiceManager::Services::Cpanel_ccs

Service Error
(XID 4xgmrm) The “cpanel_ccs” service failed to start.

Startup Log
Jan 31 10:08:54 systemd[1]: Starting Apple Calendar Server...
Jan 31 10:08:54 ccs_init[95383]: Using /opt/cpanel-ccs/.develop/virtualenv/bin/python as Python
Jan 31 10:08:54 ccs_init[95383]: Starting server...
Jan 31 10:08:54 ccs_init[95383]: /opt/cpanel-ccs/bin/caldavd -f /opt/cpanel-ccs/conf/caldavd-dev.plist -P caldav -t Combined
Jan 31 10:08:55 ccs_init[95383]: Reading configuration from file: /opt/cpanel-ccs/conf/caldavd-dev.plist
Jan 31 10:08:55 ccs_init[95383]: Pidfile /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state/ contains non-numeric value
Jan 31 10:08:55 systemd[1]: cpanel-ccs.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Jan 31 10:08:55 systemd[1]: Failed to start Apple Calendar Server.
Jan 31 10:08:55 systemd[1]: Unit cpanel-ccs.service entered failed state.
Jan 31 10:08:55 systemd[1]: cpanel-ccs.service failed.

cpanel_ccs has failed. Contact your system administrator if the service does not automagically recover.


Comme indiqué dans l'erreur, vous devriez vérifier le bon fonctionnement du service 'caldavd' et tenter de le redémarrer

/scripts/restartsrv_cpdavd --restart


Si ce service (DAV Daemon) n'est pas activé" (disable), veillez à l'activer et le monitorer depuis le Service Manager. Cela devrait le relancer et relancer également le Cpanel_ccs.


Si celui-ci est toujours down, cela peut venir d'une configuration IPv6, voir“cpanel-ccs”+appears+to+be+down.


Cela peut également venir pour une raison diverses que le fichier PID soit vide, donc le script est incapable de redémarrer le service ccs:

Jan 31 10:08:55 ccs_init[95383]: Pidfile /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state/ contains non-numeric value


Pour corriger cela :

[15:32:30 server root@94411021 ~]cPs# stat /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state/
  File: ‘/opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state/’
  Size: 0          Blocks: 0          IO Block: 4096   regular empty file
Device: 902h/2306d Inode: 273586107   Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (  987/cpanel-ccs)   Gid: (  979/cpanel-ccs)
Access: 2022-01-31 06:17:04.457875441 +0100
Modify: 2022-01-31 06:17:04.458875444 +0100
Change: 2022-01-31 06:17:04.458875444 +0100
 Birth: -
[15:34:36 server root@94411021 ~]cPs# cat /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state/
[15:34:38 server root@94411021 ~]cPs# mkdir cptechs
[15:34:46 server root@94411021 ~]cPs# mv /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state/ cptechs/

Puis, nous pouvons redémarrer sans problème:

[15:34:53 server root@94411021 ~]cPs# /scripts/restartsrv_cpanel_ccs
Waiting for “cpanel_ccs” to start ……waiting for “cpanel_ccs” to initialize ………finished.

Service Status
cpanel-ccs (CalendarServer 9.2.a+fbd0e11675cc0f64a425581b5c8398cc1e09cb6a [Combined] ) is running as cpanel-ccs with PID 1667799 (systemd+/proc check method).

Startup Log
Jan 31 15:35:29 systemd[1]: Starting Apple Calendar Server...
Jan 31 15:35:29 ccs_init[1667674]: Using /opt/cpanel-ccs/.develop/virtualenv/bin/python as Python
Jan 31 15:35:29 ccs_init[1667674]: Starting server...
Jan 31 15:35:29 ccs_init[1667674]: /opt/cpanel-ccs/bin/caldavd -f /opt/cpanel-ccs/conf/caldavd-dev.plist -P caldav -t Combined
Jan 31 15:35:30 systemd[1]: Started Apple Calendar Server.

cpanel_ccs started successfully.


Autre possibilité, Il y a des fichiers pid périmés dans /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state et nous devons les déplacer de cette manière :


cd /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state
mkdir /root/cpanelzone
/scripts/restartsrv_cpanel_ccs --stop
mv *pid /root/cpanelzone/
/scripts/restartsrv_cpanel_ccs --start


Par la suite, je ne vois pas de tentatives de redémarrage et le processus ccs semble comme il se doit.

[13:08:09 server root@94411021 /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state]cPs# ps auxw|grep ccs
cpanel-+ 28509  0.0  0.0 335984 13912 ?        S    13:07   0:00 /usr/bin/postgres -c listen_addresses= -c unix_socket_directories=/opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Data/Database/psqlsocks -c shared_buffers=259 -c max_connections=173 -c standard_conforming_strings=on -c unix_socket_permissions=0770 -c deadlock_timeout=10s -c max_connections=64 -c shared_buffers=128MB -c log_line_prefix=%t
root     30701  0.0  0.0 112812   976 pts/0    S+   13:08   0:00 grep --color=auto ccs
[13:08:10 server root@94411021 /opt/cpanel-ccs/data/Logs/state]cPs#


Après avoir fait cela, j'ai cherché un article lié sur la documentation officielle Cpanel et il semble que cela ait déjà été vu.

voir: Service CCS cpanel-ccs is generating high CPU processes

Cette réponse était-elle pertinente?

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